Beyond Basics: Advanced Techniques for Crafting Effective Digital Marketing

written by
October 23

While basic digital marketing techniques like content marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, social media, and pay-per-click advertising lay the foundation for an effective online strategy, there are additional advanced tactics that can help you improve your efforts.. In this post, we'll explore several powerful yet often overlooked digital marketing tactics that go beyond the basics. With the right advanced skills and approaches, you can truly optimize your campaigns and maximize ROI.

Keyword Research 2.0

Keyword research is important for SEO and paid search success, but moving beyond common surface-level keyword research is key. Consider downloading keyword research tools that scrape hidden content to uncover related, yet untapped long-tail keywords. Tools like SEMrush Keyword Magic can find keyword opportunities based on site, competitor, and niche analysis.

Doing advanced keyword gap analysis between your content and top ranking pages shows where you're missing opportunities and what keywords to target. Cluster keyword research around related topic themes to expand your organic reach. Use Keyword Sh*tty to find low-competition keywords which are easier to rank for initially as you build domain authority.

Beyond targeting head terms, focus clusters of keywords by topic area and keyword difficulty level for a more well-rounded approach. Advanced keyword research takes more time upfront but pays dividends through improved rankings for niche and long-tail keywords with steady search volumes.

Content Optimization Hacks

Creating quality content is table stakes, but optimizing existing pages is overlooked. Audit your highest potential pages for missed optimizations:

  • Include internal/external links that pass link juice and provide value to readers
  • Optimize titles, headings, alt text and captions with target keywords
  • Restructure content with keyword variations and related topics for increased readability and crawler access
  • Add multimedia like images, videos or interactive content to engage readers and increase time on page
  • Integrate structured data like JSON-LD for rich results in search
  • Use canonical tags to consolidate duplicate or similar content under one optimized URL
  • geotarget pages and include location-specific calls-to-action
With the right optimizations, older pages can get a boost and rank for additional keywords. Content should evolve over time through continuous refinement.

Advanced Link Building

While basic link building involves outreach, guest blogging and niche resource pages, advanced techniques expand your reach. Identify authority sites in your niche with unused internal linking opportunities. Create evergreen topic hubs or curated anthology pages of your best work to pitch for inclusion.

Build out topic folders in your CMS filled with evergreen, optimized mini-sites around clusters of related keywords. Reach out to membership sites and ask to be featured. Create link profiles to pre-pitch journalists, bloggers and influencers. Submit optimized resource pages to high authority business and local directories.

Produce asset-lite multimedia like infographics, eBooks and webinars specifically to pitch for links. Develop long-tail “power pages” perfectly optimized for low-competition head terms to get featured or linked externally. Advanced link building requires dedicated outreach but delivers higher-quality, more authoritative backlinks. Here are some additional advanced link building techniques:

  • Create evergreen resource hubs/directories related to your industry and submit them to high authority sites like ProgrammableWeb,,etc for linking. Make the pages extremely valuable so sites are motivated to link.
  • Develop long-form, in-depth case studies, white papers or guides about popular industry topics. Pitch these assets to top publications, journalists and bloggers in your space
  • Identify and join relevant industry associations, chambers of commerce, meetup groups. Volunter or sponsor events to get visibility and link opportunities
  • Create visually appealing infographics that can be pitched to general interest sites alongside a link back to relevant content on your site
  • Develop topical microsites focused on geo-specific content to get linked locally from local citations, directories, local publications
  • Automate link building by scraping multimedia assets like images, videos from your site and promoting them on platforms like Shutterstock, iStock with links back
  • Audit guest blogging networks/publications for opportunities to republish evergreen content with links intact for additional exposure
  • Create industry exams, quizzes or calculators people would want to share and embed these assets on social networks along with link attribution
  • Pitch optimized case studies/stories directly to clients and ask them to publish client testimonials or mentions with links on their site
  • Build relationships with academics and get links from educational sites by guest lecturing or providing content for students
  • Create visually appealing animated or video explainers of your products/services to pitch to tech/business publications for embedding with links

Competitive Research Hacks

It's not enough to just understand your competitors; you need advanced insights into their full digital marketing funnel. Audit competitors’ backlink profiles in Ahrefs or Majestic to discover sites open to links. Spy on competitors’ social profiles to see top performing content types and hashtags. Analyze similar domains in SEMrush or Ahrefs for content gaps versus rank.

Find expired domains in Domain Age and Backlink Profiles to acquire aged authority. Check for deleted pages you can potentially recreate with current information. Analyze paid search campaigns of competitors in SpyFu to find gaps in Ad coverage. Understand customer acquisition funnels in similar businesses to find new lead sources. The most successful strategies borrow insights from top competitors.

Advanced PPC Techniques

While basic pay-per-click involves creating ad groups and campaigns, advanced tactics optimize spend:

  • Use negative keywords to filter budget to ideal customers
  • Create remarketing/partner lists from site traffic to retarget visitors
  • Bid strategically across devices, day parts and locations
  • Develop SKAGs (Structured keyword ad groups) to target keyword variations
  • Test multiple ad copy variations per keyword using A/B or multivariate testing
  • Use Dynamic Search Ads (DSAs) based on site content to automatically bid
  • Analyze clicks vs. conversions to remove non-converting ads
  • Retarget Facebook/Instagram audiences with conversion optimized ads
  • Implement location extensions, callouts and sitelinks to expand click potential
  • Use automated bidding strategies for hands-free optimization over time
Advanced analytics and testing squeeze the most value from paid budgets over time.

Digital PR Techniques

While generating website backlinks is important, digital PR expands your influence. Build relationships with online journalists and podcast/videocast producers to get expert interviews. Pitch trending industry reports, statistical data visuals or listicles likely to get shared.

Promote evergreen thought leadership content to low-competition sites like Medium to build an author platform. Engage commenters on popular industry blogs and sites to insert links naturally. Develop and distribute multimedia assets like explainer videos for editorial placements. Schedule social media posts to build influence over time with consistency.

Curate industry news on sites like Flipboard or Publish0x to build authority. Guest blog on authority sites with a backlink on your bio linking to your website or collection pages. Develop content syndication relationships to infinitely scale distribution. PR is a marathon; focus on developing relationships over repeated touchpoints.

Advanced Analytics

While basic analytics involve tracking site traffic and goal completions, advanced analysis uncovers opportunities:

  • Segment traffic sources to understand true performance of campaigns
  • Implement Google Tag Manager for flexible tracking across devices and campaigns
  • Create custom audiences in Google Analytics based on behaviors for retargeting
  • Set up goal value tracking to understand LTV from paid vs. organic
  • Correlate paid search campaigns to organic gains using UTM parameters
  • Integrate analytics tools like Mixpanel for full-funnel attribution and cohort analysis
  • Analyze user flows through user testing tools like Hotjar or mouse flows
  • Create dashboards with analytics KPIs via Google Data Studio
  • Connect analytics to marketing automation for automated campaign optimizations
Deeping your analytics allows for hyper-focused optimizations and minor gains that compound over time.

Applying Advanced Techniques

The most advanced digital marketers apply integrated campaigns across channels using an always-testing mindset. Develop website experiences utilizing emerging technologies like AI chatbots, augmented reality or voice search optimization.

Partner with complementary businesses through affiliate marketing. Leverage Momentum tool integrations for one-click campaign implementations. Strengthen brand authority through sponsored/endorsed e-books and info-products with affiliate/JV legs.

Design influencer partnerships or online events around global events and holidays. Geo-locate social posts in Google My Business for maximum local presence. Don’t be afraid to experiment bravely and fail fast when testing advanced methods - continuous learning is key.

The most cutting-edge marketers expand beyond strict digital channels, embracing emerging technologies, offline activations and community building. Focus on holistic brand experiences emphasizing human connections over transactions alone. Advanced digital marketing synthesizes integrated strategies taking a multi-channel, full-funnel approach for maximum impact.


While the basics provide a starting point, it's the advanced digital marketers who push boundaries and see outsized results. Constant innovation and a growth mindset allow techniques to evolve along with consumer behaviors. Always be learning from the leaders in your industry vertical while adding your unique flair. Digital channels continue fragmenting into ever more micro-opportunities - are you ready to capture emerging trends before competitors? Advanced digital marketing goes beyond tactics to become a lifelong pursuit of understanding people and refining your value proposition.

Case studies

Nike: Transformation Focus: Embracing a customer centric approach.

Success: Nike leveraged social media and digital platforms to create personalized customer experiences. Their Nike Training Club app and engagement on social media platforms exemplify their successful transformation.

Starbucks: Transformation Focus: Mobile and social media integration.

Success: Starbucks transformed its digital strategy by investing in mobile payments, loyalty programs, and mobile ordering. The Starbucks mobile app allows customers to order ahead, customize drinks, and earn rewards.

Amazon: Transformation Focus: Data driven personalization and ecommerce innovation.

Success: Amazon continuously evolves its digital marketing strategies by leveraging customer data to provide personalized recommendations. Their use of AI in the recommendation engine and targeted advertising contributes to their success.

Netflix: Transformation Focus: Content personalization and data driven recommendations.

Success: Netflix transformed digital marketing in the entertainment industry by using data analytics to recommend content tailored to individual user preferences. Their algorithms analyze viewing history to suggest new shows and movies.

Domino's Pizza: Transformation Focus: Digital ordering and customer experience.

Success: Domino's embraced digital channels for ordering, tracking, and customer feedback. Their "Pizza Tracker" and user friendly app significantly improved the customer experience, leading to increased online sales.

HubSpot: Transformation Focus: Inbound marketing and content strategy.

Success: HubSpot has been a pioneer in inbound marketing, providing tools and resources for businesses to attract, engage, and delight customers. Their content driven approach and emphasis on educational content have contributed to their digital marketing success.

Adobe: Transformation Focus: Content marketing and thought leadership.

Success: Adobe has successfully positioned itself as a thought leader in the digital marketing space. Their content marketing efforts, including the Adobe Blog and educational resources, have established them as a trusted authority.

Tesla: Transformation Focus: Disruptive digital marketing and online sales.

Success: Tesla disrupted the automotive industry by adopting a direct to consumer online sales model. Their use of digital platforms, social media, and online marketing has contributed to the brand's success and innovation perception.

Coca Cola: Transformation Focus: Social media engagement and storytelling.

Success: Coca Cola transformed its marketing by embracing social media platforms for engagement and storytelling. Their Share a Coke campaign, which encouraged users to share personalized Coke bottles on social media, is an example of their successful digital strategy.

Warby Parker: Transformation Focus: Ecommerce and direct to consumer model.

Success: Warby Parker disrupted the eyewear industry by combining an online purchasing model with a home try on program. Their digital marketing strategy focuses on a seamless online shopping experience and social media engagement.


Q: What's the most important thing to focus on when doing advanced digital marketing?

A: The most important thing is testing new techniques continuously and optimizing based on data and results. Advanced digital marketing is about experimenting, learning from failures, and refining your approach over time based on what performs best. Constant testing and improvement should be prioritized over any single tactic.

Q: How long does it take to see results from advanced digital marketing techniques?

A: The time it takes to see results can vary significantly depending on the technique and your goals. Some optimizations like improving on-page SEO or pay-per-click bidding may show improvements within weeks. Others like developing authoritative backlinks or building an influencer network can take 3-6 months or longer to move the needle. In general, advanced techniques require a long-term, iterative approach rather than expecting overnight gains. Commitment and persistence are important.

Q: Which tools do you recommend for advanced keyword research, link analysis, and competitor research?

A: Some top tools recommended for advanced techniques include SEMrush, Ahrefs, Keyword Sh*tty, and Moz for detailed keyword gaps, backlink profiling, and competitor analysis. Other valuable tools include SpyFu for paid search insights, Domain Age and Backlink Profiles for expired domain research, and for analyzing deleted or changed pages. Google Search Console, Analytics, and Tag Manager are also essential for optimization testing and analysis.

Q: How do I balance advanced techniques with more basic practices?

A: The key is not abandoning basic practices, but rather building on them with advanced efforts. Spend 60-80% of your time refining foundational SEO, content, social media, and paid media practices while dedicating 20-40% to testing one new advanced technique per month focused on your highest potential channels or opportunities. Measure everything and focus your energy where you see the best returns. The goal is continual, gradual progression across all areas.

Q: What are some emerging advanced techniques marketers should explore?

A: Some cutting-edge techniques on the horizon include voice search optimization, augmented/virtual reality content, chatbots and live chat for customer engagement, hyperlocal marketing optimized for delivery apps and same day shipping, podcast/video sponsorships and product placements, influencer marketing on new platforms like TikTok, and leveraging AI/machine learning for personalized experiences at scale. It's important for advanced marketers to stay on top of changing technologies and consumer behaviors.

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